Visit of Liana NZABAMPEMA (senior program officer within Segal Family Foundation)

Visit of Liana NZABAMPEMA (senior program officer within Segal Family Foundation)

On July 13, 2021 at 4 p.m., UCBUM received a special guest Mrs. Liana NZABAMPEMA (Senior Program Officer) within the Segal Family Foundation in the sub-region.

After a visit to UCBUM day centers, Mrs. MANIRAMBONA Cynthia, director of UCBUM and some member of the staff were able to discuss with Liana NZABAMPEMA about current projects.

Madam the director of UCBUM presented the two new centers to Liana NZABAMPEMA including RUKUNDO center in Muyinga, RUHUKA KIBINDO center in Buterere, let us point out that UCBUM had one of our centers which is the eldest located in Buterere.

Madam the director of UCBUM presented the necessary needs to Madam Liana NZABAMPEMA so that the children can go to school because these will soon be the start of the school year.

Madam the director of UCBUM thanked Madam Liana NZABAMPEMA in particular and Segal Family Foundation in general for the support, both material and moral, that Segal Family Foundation continues to give us.